Help R&D Design

The R&D Design site uses HTML features such as frames, tables, centering, and browser supported forms. If your browser does not support these items, do yourself a favor and download one of the following browsers:
Best experienced with
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Click here to start.

Also great with
Netscape Now
Download Netscape Now!

If you are using AOL, you can still use one of browsers mentioned above. For details call AOL at 1-888-265-8006 for the PC or 1-888-265-8007 for MAC.

The following is a list of common problems:

Problem Solution
I can't see everything on the screen without scrolling side to side. You should be able to see the all of the line below without scrolling. Otherwise you will need to set your screen resolution to 600 X 800. You can do this in your control panel settings of your computer.

760 pixels wide
760 pixels wide

I can't see any pictures. Make sure your browser is set up to open pictures and text. You will find this in the options section of your browser.
Things seem to be loading very slowly. This can be caused by a slow connection to your ISP (Internet Service Provider). Other causes are a slow computer, a slow modem, heavy traffic on the internet, or our server may be very busy.
I'm stuck in a frame from another web site. How do I get out? While in the frames section of the site, you can get out of nested frames any time by clicking on the [reset frames] link on the left side of the screen. To escape from any nested frames now click here:
[reset frames]

If you are having any other problems or have questions, please e-mail us at

copyright 1997 R&D Design